About Me


My name is Turner McCullley. I am a 4 year IT professional with a passion for all things technology related. My hobbies (and a little about them) are:
  • PC Gaming – This is mostly action and First Person Shooters (BF3 / BF4), but also enjoy a good adventure or Role Playing Game (Mass Effect / Skyrim). Recently I have enjoyed branching out to some newer low budget studio and indie games so you can expect a few reviews on those as well.
  • Building Computers - When I have the money, I love to research and build the perfect computer for the situation I need. Expect me to document these builds on this site whenever I get a chance!
  • Programming – I took classes for programming in C#, Visual Basic, and Java. I find programming to be a great way to challenge myself to overcome obstacles with logic, and find beating these challenges rewarding. I dabbled in making games in XNA but never really finished a complete game worth mentioning. Microsoft decided to stop supporting XNA with the advent of the windows store and New UI (Metro) apps so I abandoned most of my XNA projects, for now. I may post a progress video of my games if I get back to them.
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – While hard to explain this is similar to Judo, but focuses on the ground  work with chokes and joint locks. This is an incredibly fun way to stay in shape and make friends.
Between my wife and three kids I keep fairly busy, but I plan to update this site with random IT tips & tricks, game impressions/reviews, and my opinions on emerging technology whenever anything relevant pops up and I have the time.

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