Showing posts with label Gaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaming. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Planetary Annihilation: Early Access Impressions

I have had a skeptical eye on Planetary Annihilation (PA) for some time, but have been hesitant to pay full price for a beta product of a game I was unsure I would like. While checking out some live game play on, a random developer dropped a steam key into chat and I was lucky enough to activate the product! With fortune on my side, I feel it is my duty to answer is it worth the full $50 price tag for those not lucky enough to win a copy!

What is Planetary Annihilation?

According to the PA developer studios, Uber Entertainment, Planetary Annihilation is a:
"RTS (Real Time Strategy) FOR THE NEXT GENERATION. Colonize solar systems, smash entire worlds, and obliterate your foes in epic battles with multiple players and potentially thousands of units. Planetary Annihilation is a next-generation RTS that takes the genre to a planetary scale."
What does this actually mean? In short it is a space science fiction real time strategy game that involves controlling large armies on multiple planets. PA lets fight over precious ground on giant spherical planets revolving around the sun, and moons revolving around the planets. You can travel between planets and moons fighting for dominance and victory over each inch of precious ground. This multiple planet combat is what makes PA unique from other RTS games and brings welcome variety to what I consider a fairly stale genre. Adding further excitement, PA lets you build giant, planet moving, Halley engines allowing you to use your planet or moon as a projectile to eliminate all life on another planet.

Game Modes

PA currently only consists of one game mode were you battle to take out the other teams commander. The commander is dual purpose, "super unit" capable of both constructing buildings and wiping out armies of lesser combat units. Losing your commander initiates a dramatic huge nuclear explosion leveling a large area and letting your opponents know of your humiliating defeat.

Combat Strategy

Combat in PA consists of 3 distinct layers consisting of land, air, and orbital. I found it very easy to forget to adequately defend against one of these layers, especially orbital. I often found myself lulled into a false sense of security with all my defense towers, only to get a rude awakening by a swarm of air units coming into my base wreaking havoc on my base. If you forget to occupy the orbital layer, you can easily find a satellite parked above your base feeding critical real time info to your opponent. Even worse, forgetting the orbital layer can lead to your opponent building a laser satellite and "snipe" your commander for a quick win. Overall, I loved the three layer system as it required you gather good intelligence on your opponent to find their weak spot and so you know where to concentrate your defenses.


With a name like Planetary Annihilation you expect some real destruction, and PA does not disappoint. Units are incredibly powerful destroying other units and buildings in just a few hits. This forces you to build massive armies as your units do not last long once they get into battle, but it also means they dish that damage right back to the enemy. This makes for a game with large fast paced engagements with tons of explosions. Included are all kinds of ranged attacks including long range artillery, cruise style missiles, and of course nuclear missiles! Annihilation is about the only word that describes what is left, if anything, of your base once a nuke goes off.

Planetary Annihilation - Planet Smashing

When nuclear just isn't big enough for you, you build giant planet moving engines and turn a planet or moon into a giant projectile to destroy all life on a planetary body of your choosing. Unfortunately, the game is still early access/unfinished and the animation for this planetary annihilation rarely plays and sometimes completely crashes the game. While planet crashing looks cool (when it works and the animation plays) and sounds like an awesome idea, it often feels like a cheap or last ditch win. Many times the game turns into a race of who can grab a moon the fastest and destroy everything, sometimes leaving no winner. Thankfully, PA gives you the option to create your own universe, set how many engines are required to move an object, and completely disable moving a planet.


Planetary Annihilation is still in "Gamma" and being developed and is not without its downsides. The graphics are not impressive and I doubt that will change. That said the graphics are not bad or completely immersion breaking. The awesomeness of the huge armies brings frequent performance issues even for those with great computers. PA has an awesome spectator mode, but this can quickly become bogged down and as slow as 5 fps. Some animations such as the planet smash will fail to play and you will get the occasional crash. I have also seen instances of the AI stuck moving from one planet to another "ping pong" style back and forth. In one instance a planet smash went so wrong it just orbited the sun forever (I believe this was fixed in the most recent patch.

Being early release game balance and game play both are still lacking. You will frequently find yourself pelted by ranged missile bases called catapults. Your opponent can set up great defenses and just spam these catapults and there is no direct counter, but to rush your army into his heavy defenses. With a little scouting and the help of radar, your opponent can track your commander through the fog of war and destroy him from afar with artillery in this manner. There are several different variations of this all resulting in you helplessly taking fire with no direct way to counter. Normally I would just wave this off as you getting to far behind in the game making this your own fault, but on smaller planets this can happen extremely early in the game and is incredibly frustrating. Overall, this game provides an abundance of annoying cheap ways to really frustrate your opponent and secure what I consider a cheap, hollow win.

I do want to make one thing clear, this game is not finished. Uber Entertainment is still releasing new features, tweaking stats, and constantly releasing updates. When the fans complained of the long load times, the developers responded with a slick system were you load the game completely in lobby. This works beautifully and took any grip I have with load times away. The last update also fixed several of the planet smashing glitches/crashes, improved the AI, and implemented the loading fix previously mentioned. Hopefully the updates continue to move along, and Uber has plenty of time before their actual scheduled worldwide launch, "when it is done."


There is a lot of fun to be had with Planetary Annihilation and it shows a lot of promise, but it also comes with its share of frustrations and gimmicks. I still get the feel of early gameplay that lacks needed polish and balance. In its current state I cannot recommend paying the full $50. My recommendation, wait for release or for it to go on sale for $30 or less.

My Rating

5 out of 10 - 

Wait For Final Release Or Sale

(Product Is Still Beta)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Titanfall - Beta First Impressions

Since I am not an avid fan of the Call of Duty series, I was reluctant to buy into all the hype for Titanfall which is made by some of the same developers. However, when one combines my favorite genre, the First Person Shooter (FPS), with an all-time favorite of Mechanical beast in the likeness of MechWarrior my curiosity was peaked. I just had to sign up for the beta. Luckily, I was one of the many to be selected for the beta. After sorting out a minor mix-up of my beta key being for the wrong platform, I dove into the beta.

Training Mission

Titanfall threw me into the training mission right off the bad. My first impressions of the graphics reminded me of Crysis 2. While not impressive it was still decent and was enough to keep immersion. The training took me through a series of perhaps 10 small challenge levels introducing me to the parkour system, the unique auto locking "Smart Pistol", and the basics of piloting the Titan. Taking about 15-20 minutes I felt the training was worthwhile, but was slightly annoyed at all the loading screens between the mini-challenges. Not really impressed, I moved in to join the actual beta game play.

Multiplayer Gameplay

Once you click into the beta you get a standard option of game modes including:
  • Attrition - Basically death match
  • Hardpoint - Fight to take and defend a few objectives
  • Last Titan Standing - Everyone gets a titan and a single life. Take out all opposing Titans to win the round.
After selecting your game mode you are thrown into a random room with randomly selected opponents with no apparent regard to rank. This can make for some really uneven matches, but this is beta. Hopefully this will improve on release.

I found the game play enjoyable from the very beginning and this only increases as you get unlocks and start to use new tactics. The first time you jump on an enemy Titan and dismantle it, raining bullets into the interior, is a whole new experience. 


Being inside a titan itself you feel powerful, yet vulnerable at the same time. You have to watch out for pilots trying to jump on you while avoiding everyone focusing fire on the giant target you just became. Your guns are powerful and can take out a pilot quickly when well-aimed and you can squish foot enemies beneath your feet like the lowly scum they are. Titan vs. titan battles feels like very little skill involved, but I really do not have the time in a Titan to really tell. After playing for several hours, I found I was more effective jumping out of my titan and placing it on follow mode. The titan AI is actually pretty good, as my titan racked up several kills and distracts the other players while I take them out on foot. Overall Titans are what makes this game unique and are a blast to have on the battlefield. 


Playing as the pilot on the ground is where I got the most enjoyment. As you get experience in the game you start to really use the parkour effects to get to advantageous places and create effective flanking routes. It is a blast jumping from one building to another, then onto a Titan to dismantle it. You also always have an anti-titan weapon, but you really have to choose were and how you attack a titan. If he gets one or two shots on you you are done. Also, if you get to close to a titan you run the risk of being squashed like a bug by either his feet or his melee attack. Overall, infantry is fast paced, full of strategy, with many options to get were you need to be. All this make the pilot incredibly fun to play.


Weapons are my biggest complaint of Call of Duty and I have similar problems with Titanfall. The biggest problem; recoil is nearly non-existent. With the main assault rifle, I never had to burst to remain on target. Overall you get the "feel" of toy weapons, with no weight or inertia. This is a future based fantasy FPS so I can excuse most of this, it just doesn't feel were it should be to me.

The gun play is still fun and you do have the standard rifle, sub machine gun, pistol variations with one exception: the smart pistol. This pistol "locks" on to enemies for you and once you get a red lock you are guaranteed a kill when you pull the trigger. This works incredibly well in its medium sized range, for the AI controlled grunts. Many players absolutely detest this pistol, stating it is OP (over powered) and sell out for cheap players. After playing with this pistol for some time I came to the conclusion it really sucks for taking out even a barely skilled pilot. It takes a long time to get a single lock on a pilot and you must get several to get a kill. Overall, I was not impressed by any of the weapons, including the limited titan arsenal. The game is still beta so there is some hope for improvement and variety. 


Overall, this is a really fun, fast paced, unique experience.  Make no mistake; I do not consider this a serious or competitive game. In my opinion, this game is a casual, just have some fun and kill an hour (or two) game. It is not going to change the world or even the landscape of first person shooters. Make note, my experience was with a beta product that will most likely only approve. Odds are I will purchase this game just from what I experienced from the beta.

Actual Game Play Highlight Video

My Rating

8 out of 10 - Great

(Product Is Still Beta)